Dreams involving family members, especially parents, can often evoke strong emotions and symbolize various aspects of your life. Seeing your dad go down a slide and die from a bird's eye view may represent feelings of vulnerability, loss, or a shift in your relationship with him.
The playground itself can symbolize childhood, innocence, and playfulness, while the slide may represent the ups and downs of life. Witnessing his death from above could suggest feelings of helplessness or a desire to observe rather than engage with certain situations in your life.
This dream could also reflect your subconscious processing fears about your father's well-being or changes in your family dynamics. It might be helpful to consider your current relationship with your dad and any recent events that could be influencing these feelings.
If this dream leaves you feeling unsettled, it may be beneficial to talk about your feelings with someone you trust or to reflect on what aspects of your life might feel out of control or concerning.