Thank you for sharing your dream. Dreams involving loved ones who have passed away can be deeply emotional and often reflect our feelings of loss, longing, and unresolved issues.
In your dream, the train station symbolizes a transitional phase or a significant event in your life, particularly related to your fiancé's passing. Elevators often represent personal growth, change, or the ups and downs of life. Your search for your fiancé indicates a desire for connection and closure, reflecting your ongoing feelings for him.
The presence of your daughter and the items she presents may symbolize hope, love, and the continuation of life despite loss. It suggests that even in your grief, there are moments of joy and reminders of love in your life.
When your fiancé appears and expresses his love for you, it indicates that you may be processing your feelings of love and loss. His question about whether you still love him suggests a need for reassurance—both for yourself and perhaps for your healing journey. Your affirmation of love signifies an acceptance of your feelings, acknowledging that love persists even after death.
Overall, this dream may be a way for your mind to work through your grief, affirm your love, and find solace. It’s important to continue allowing yourself to feel and express your emotions, as this can be a significant part of the healing process. Consider talking with someone about your feelings, whether it's a friend, family member, or a professional, as sharing your experience can often bring comfort.